My Life

What is our role in life on Earth?

Option #1: Some people have religious beliefs about a creator who brought about mankind in their pleasure to create something good. At some point, things kind of went askew, which later required an intervention to make things right again. However, we still see the same problems persisting pervasively from just after creation through the present day. And some still believe there is another intervention yet to come that will fix it all up really well through some kind of apocalyptic end.

Option #2: There are some who believe in something simpler than that—something that is simply biological. If that is the case, then something else brought us about for a reason—for a purpose to be served in our biological environment. This is not unlike when nature calls up bacteria, yeast, and fungi to clean up a biological mess through remediation. Mother Nature’s clean-up crew. Then those itty-bitty little critters return to the dust from whence they came.

There may be more options than this, but for now, let’s just consider these.

What if it is option #2? What if Mother Nature called us up for a biological purpose in response to another biological function that needed a remedy that looked like us? Yet, here we are, seemingly more complex than bacteria, yeast, fungi, or those fun little guys we call Tardigrades. Of course, we believe that we are more complex than they are. It certainly appears that way. But even amongst those bioremediation specialists, there are various layers of complexity, yet we, as humans, consider them relatively simple and likely non-sentient in most senses. But are they? Or is that just because we cannot descend to their level and truly comprehend what level of consciousness they enjoy?

Which brings me to the thought that brought me here in the first place. Have we, as humans, departed from our original purpose? Have we, in our finite wisdom, crafted over and upon ourselves additional layers of complexity that are ultimately causing our species more harm than good? What if our current existence, where we are only appreciating a lifespan of 78.5 years, is a result of our march of progress we call modernity is the problem?

How far would we need to go, to disconnect from our modern luxuries if that were the resolution? Could it be something as simple as moving to somewhere like Costa Rica, buying 20 acres of land, growing our own foods, while living off the grid, outside of our modern day Matrix? Who knows…

I must come back to this later. Unfortunately, I have homework and other niceties to attend to, but I could not let this train of thought get away from me.

Such is the life of a writer…