2023-10-12 | Embarking on a Sweaty Journey of Discovery
2023-10-10 | Ever Catch a Hangover?
2023-09-13 | A Tainted Feast
2023-09-13 | An Accidental Leap Beyond Time
2025-02-08 | Ask Him Why
2025-01-23 | Top 99 Whole Foods by Approximate Oxalate Content
2025-01-10 | Fasting vs. Carnivore Diet
2024-11-29 | Life Science: A Natural Approach to Health
2024-10-22 | My Life
2024-10-06 |
2024-09-20 | The More I Learn the Less I Know
2024-08-20 | As Above, So Below
2024-08-20 | Devil in a New Dress
2024-07-03 | Age
2024-06-22 | The Question
2024-06-21 | A Momentary Channeling of Ray Bradbury
2024-06-17 | Wulzen Anti-Stiffness Factor
2024-05-26 | The Primacy of Electrolytes and Hydration on Human Function and Life
2024-05-18 | Drink Plenty of…
2024-05-18 | Osmosis…Water ALWAYS follows salt
2024-05-14 | The Potassium Problem
2024-03-17 | Dearest People of Earth
2024-01-22 | Colonization. A Virus of the Mind?
2024-01-07 | Preceding CO2 Transport: Respiration
2023-12-27 | Are Humans Well Suited For a Frugivore Fare?
2023-12-20 | A New Model
2023-12-14 | I am Adam Matryoshka
2023-12-08 | Protein Deamination is Our Damnation
2023-11-16 | I Sweat; Therefore, I Am Becoming
2023-11-14 | The Role of Protein on Cardiovascular Disease and Associated Cardiac Events
2023-11-04 | Could Sweating in a Sauna(Diaphoresis) Spell the End of Dialysis?
2023-10-22 | A Preview of What is to Come From Chew Digest
2023-10-21 | How Smart Are We?
2023-10-17 | An Introduction to Life Sciences
2023-10-16 | Sauna Magic
2023-10-15 | In The Zone
2023-09-28 | We’ve created human-pig chimeras — but we haven’t weighed the ethics
2023-09-26 | A Recasting of René Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy
2023-09-24 | A Good Read: John (Fire) Lame Deer Seeing Through Symbols
2023-09-24 | The Answer is the Rancher and the Secret is in the Sweat
2023-09-11 | A Better Answer For Cancer(Skin)
2023-09-05 | Sweat. Where Does it Come From?
2023-08-13 | And It All Starts With Giving a Shit
2023-08-13 | Ten Plus Ten Equals Zero?
2023-07-16 | Cancer: Why Are We Scared Of It?
2023-07-02 | Zinc, A Little Something to Make You Think
2023-06-26 | The Loomis Lichen Epithelial Cancer Hypothesis: A Simplified Summary
2023-06-26 | The Loomis Lichen Epithelial Cancer Hypothesis
2023-06-26 | Whether You Lichen It or Not, They Lichen You
2023-06-11 | Proteolysis and Aging. Why I Take Serrapeptase and Lumbrokinase(Sometimes)
2023-06-06 | Protein…Too Much of a Good Thing.
2023-05-28 | Collagen and Glucose
2023-05-28 | The Less I Know – Ease and Homeostasis
2023-05-25 | A Solution to Substance Abuse & Addiction
2023-05-21 | The Malnutrition Top 10
2023-05-21 | Vitamin C – The Enigma
2023-05-14 | Herbivore, Carnivore, or Something Other?
2023-05-12 | Got Pee?
2023-05-06 | Humans: An Omnivorous Monogastric Animal
2023-04-30 | CHONPS
2023-04-23 | All Carbs Are Created Equal. Not All Carbs Remain The Same
2023-04-23 | Try This Trick to Lose Weight
2023-04-14 | Keto, Vegan, Carnivore, and Frugivore. Why do ALL of these diets work?
2023-04-13 | Dietary Reflections – 04/13/2023
2023-04-12 | What Was Ancient Man’s Diet Like?
2023-04-11 | A Boulder Lifted; An Anchor Moved
2023-04-10 | Rethinking Fructose – Why Sweet Fruits Might Be One Reason for Your High Cholesterol
2023-04-01 | Saturday Morning Reflections – April 1, 2023
2023-03-04 | Experiment on ChatGPT: A Beautiful Failure
2023-03-03 | Why You Should Hire a Successful UBER Driver
2023-02-21 | Veganism and Vitamin B-12
2023-02-18 | The Wonders of Compound Interest
2023-01-05 | Too Much Protein. How Much is Too Much?
2022-12-26 | Energy, Frequency, Vibration, and Electrolytes.
2022-11-26 | Human Bio-remediation and Homeostasis
2022-11-23 | Don’t Fight Cancer. Work With It.
2022-11-20 | It Takes Time to Turn Life Around
2022-11-19 | Reflections on Life Today and Tomorrow
2022-11-03 | What Is Terrain Theory?
2022-11-02 | Three Pillars of My Life
2022-08-25 | Can Our Skin Sin?
2022-08-25 | How Zen Found Me
2022-07-21 | I consume, therefore I am
2022-06-22 | Fasting, Longevity, and Workaholism.
2022-06-05 | What is Cancer and How Do We End Up There?
2022-05-29 | A Beneficial Addiction?
2022-05-26 | Who Is the Richer?
2022-05-24 | Why Niacin?
2022-05-20 | KATA SARX(According to the Flesh)
2022-05-17 | Our Heart is NOT A PUMP!
2022-05-08 | On To More Rewards
2022-05-08 | The Water of Life
2022-05-08 | Death and Hope
2022-05-07 | Pulling Teeth and Popping Pills…
2022-05-01 | Amyloid, Prion, and Altered States of Protein in Our Soft Tissues
2022-04-17 | How Would We Choose?
2022-04-13 | What Grows in Your Garden?
2022-04-11 | A Boulder Lifted
2022-04-06 | Where Do I Get My Protein?
2022-04-06 | Life in the Fast Lane
2022-04-05 | Reflections on Restoration and Recovery
2022-04-04 | Letter To a Future Me[editing]
2022-04-01 | Illustration: Circulatory and Lymphatic System
2022-04-01 | I Met Ray Bradbury On This Day
2022-03-27 | Accelerate your stem cell production in three ways
2022-03-27 | Magic Meat?
2022-03-25 | What Determines Our Days and What Can We Do About It?
2022-03-24 | Why Cancer? And What is it?
2022-03-20 | The Virtue of Thinking Virtually
2022-03-11 | Leukocytic Lifesavers & Endocytosis, Phagocytosis, and Pinocytosis
2022-03-08 | My Big T.O.E.
2022-03-08 | What is, “My Big T.O.E.?”
2022-03-04 | Devotion to Life -1476-
2022-03-03 | Conversation With a 12 Year Old Me
2022-03-03 | More Aglet Please
2022-03-02 | The Benefits of Unbalance
2022-03-01 | Why Are We Here?
2022-02-27 | My Gift To You
2022-02-25 | 500 Words – Raw Vegan Requiem -873-
2022-02-23 | Stress. Are you getting enough?
2022-02-22 | What is Autophagy?
2022-02-21 | Anti-fragility and Hormesis
2022-02-20 | Fruit Only?
2022-02-17 | Follow The Equatorial Sun
2022-02-15 | What Disease?
2022-02-14 | What’s Keeping Us From Living Our Fullest Life?
2022-02-12 | Racquetballs, Lipids(fats), and Cellular Health
2022-02-10 | Following The Equatorial Sun
2022-02-08 | Do You Know Squat?
2022-02-07 | I Learned a Valuable Lesson Today
2022-02-06 | Fat’s, Carbs, Confusion, and Misconceptions
2022-02-03 | What Has Changed?
2022-02-03 | Master of My Ways
2022-02-02 | 500 Words a Day
2022-02-02 | [EDITING]–Fruit, Soup, Salad and Time-Restricted Feeding
2022-02-01 | What People Think Is Difficult
2022-01-31 | Fruit, Soups and Salads
2022-01-31 | *Thoughts From a Facebook Response-2022/01/30
2022-01-28 | *Why Am I No Longer a Raw Vegan?
2022-01-21 | *Fruitarian vs. Centenarian
2022-01-13 | *Are We Getting Enough of the Right Stuff?
2021-09-09 | Back to the Garden
2021-09-06 | We Are Legion
2021-08-16 | Life’s Not Easy When You’re ‘DIS’easy.
2021-08-04 | Welcome to the World of Addiction
2021-08-04 | Ten Physical Differences Between Carnivores(Meat Eaters) and Herbivores(Plant Eaters). Is the Human Body Designed to Eat Animal Products?
2021-07-30 | Soma Nature
2021-05-06 | *A Facebook Answer. What I would do. What I did
2021-04-15 | Where Do You Get Your Protein?
2021-03-29 | Indigestion in a Typical Diet
2020-11-02 | Rational Fasting
2020-09-25 | The Integumentary System
2020-08-19 | I wanna be a psoas major
2020-06-22 | Who’s consciousness is this anyways?
2020-06-21 | Cancer Without Disease
2020-06-10 | Simply Younger
2020-04-25 | Saponins
2020-04-23 | Mel’s Diner
2020-04-20 | linkRoll_2020.04.20
2020-04-19 | The Flavonoids Hesperidin and Rutin Promote Neural Crest Cell Survival
2020-04-16 | Zzz Best Sleep EVER
2020-04-13 | linkRoll_2020.04.13
2020-04-09 | Cancer, aging and cellular senescence.
2020-04-09 | Pellagra: Interesting Alert-NIH
2020-04-08 | Respectin the Pectin
2020-04-07 | Senescent Cells
2020-04-07 | Magic Beans – Lysine and Proline
2020-04-07 | Metabolic Pathways
2020-04-07 | Fighting Fisetin
2020-04-07 | List of unproven and disproven cancer treatments
2020-04-04 | Organic Chemistry
2020-04-04 | Alkaloids and Fibrates
2020-04-01 | linkRoll_2020.04.01
2020-03-31 | Lectures on auto-intoxication in disease, or, Self-poisoning of the individual
2020-03-29 | linkRoll_2020.03.29
2020-03-27 | Schizophrenia Is Really Schizophrenias
2020-03-25 | Schizophrenia, Cancer and the Hoff
2020-03-19 | linkRoll_2020.03.19
2020-03-17 | Proteins, Pregnancy and Prometheus
2020-03-11 | The Journey-2020.03.11
2020-03-10 | linkRoll_2020.03.10
2020-03-10 | Trehalose
2019-09-11 | Omega-3 Foods-[KEY]
2019-08-09 | But Why? 2019.08.09
2019-05-15 | Strongyloides and its Stranglehold. A Tale of a Tail of a Fleeing Serpent.
2019-04-17 | Friedrich Küchenmeister
2019-04-10 | Unusual variants of mycosis fungoides
2019-04-10 | linkRoll_2019.04.10
2019-03-31 | Heartburn drug cure.
2019-03-31 | What If’s-2019-03-31
2019-03-01 | What If’s-2019-03-01
2018-12-27 | Boundaries and Big Pictures
2018-12-24 | Addiction and Disease
2018-12-22 | What If’s-2018/12/22
2018-12-15 | Process Protocol
2018-11-18 | Digestive Enzymes
2018-09-16 | Chew Digest…The Publication