The More I Learn the Less I Know

The more I learn, the less I am sure that there is a perfect diet for anyone, much less humans as a species. Yes, it would be fabulous if we could do like many other animals and just eat one thing over and over again day after day while living a long and healthy life. Of course, I imagine a few carnivore friends will say there is, but I’m not here to argue that point. I’m here to say I don’t know anymore.

I do know where I am at in my diet and why I now eat the way I do, and there are some things that I am certain will never be good for human consumption. One of those is preservatives of any sort, which means most processed foods, if not all, are off the dinner table. Just eat food the way Mother Nature created it. And if you’re going to eat vegetables, cook them first. Make soup.

Fruit gets a free pass because Mother Nature intended that it be eaten in its raw state, as that is how it propagates itself. Vegetables, not so much. They produce anti-nutrients that are their way of preserving their life into the next generation. No, plants are not trying to kill you. At least not humans anyway, but they are trying to kill or inhibit things at the level of insects and microorganisms. That is because they must NOT get eaten if they want to continue propagating themselves into the next generation. And we humans DO have microorganisms living within us, two to five pounds worth, that depend on us NOT eating things that prevent or inhibit the growth and wellbeing of microorganisms.

Animals are not food but food processors that condense the nutrients that Mother Nature creates for her creatures. She only makes plants, which animals concentrate into their bodies that we then consume when eating them or their eggs and lactates. When it comes to animal-based foods, my only suggestion is to eat them in moderation as they are highly concentrated forms of food that are extremely rich in nutrients.

After many years of experimenting with different diets, I have experienced that you’ve likely found a better way when you get to a point where your body requires very little to be satisfied and healthy. If you eat three meals a day, your body may not be getting enough of the nutrients it needs, and as a result, it keeps sending you messages to put more food in your mouth.

At this point in time, I would suggest that there is no perfect diet for all people, no matter what all the online influencers want to suggest. They are trying to make a living from people like you. You are the consumer, and they have products they need to sell. You are their human resources so that they can put a roof over their heads, food in their belly, and clothes on their backs.

Our bodies are self-regulating, self-healing mechanisms. They know how to make themselves right. We (humans) need to figure out the language they speak and oblige them, as their ways are higher than ours, and their needs will always supersede our desires.

Your body loves you more than you know and will always treat you with beneficence and non-maleficence. Your body will never attack itself. It can, however, feel that way to us, and we might even call it that with names like auto-immune disorders. I believe otherwise. Our body would not shoot itself in the foot. It will, however, speak as loudly to you as it needs to get your attention and sometimes, to us, in our ignorance, appears as though it is attacking itself. Sometimes, I wish it would just use words…8)

Simply put, the only foods are the ones that Mother Nature makes. Animal-based foods are food concentrates. And as for concentrates, I suggest eating them sparingly. Raw vegetables, in almost every case, are not intended for human consumption. We are not herbivores. Fruits are intended to be eaten in their raw form. That’s part of Mother Nature’s plan for them. Processed foods, fast foods, or any foods that REQUIRE a Nutrition Facts label are unnatural and NOT what Mother Nature intended for us and will likely leave you in an unintended state of regret.

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