KATA SARX(According to the Flesh)

I like to think of our body as the agency or consciousness that has been evolving for tens of thousands of years before my consciousness was ever aware of its existence. That my body or any of our bodies are temporary manifestations of the foundational, colonial pool of genetic life, we call homo sapien.

Our genetics and our immediate environment direct our biological differences regarding visible characteristics, physiology, disease susceptibility, mental abilities, body size, and life span. Though individual bodies vary in many ways, two humans no matter how different they appear are more than 99% alike. The greatest degree of genetic variation exists between males and females. Any married human can point out every single damn difference.

As such, I have come to understand that our body exists in and of itself and my consciousness of it and what I can do is completely at the will and pleasure of our body.

Consider our stem cells. Our body contains within itself the cause of itself, and it is precisely the foundation by which we can even have consciousness. And our individual consciousness is very fortunate to get to take a part of this continuum of humanity by which we get to but for a moment experience what we call Life.

That being said, I believe we of the upper order consciousness have strayed into a way of error that is costing us greatly.

Another thing about my body I have come to understand is that there are very likely certain immutable rules that we have lost track of in the bustle of modernization and we are really beginning to see the consequences of that. And no matter how much we wish ourselves into longevity and wellness I don’t see wavering in its ways just so we can do whatever we want with it.

I’ve found that my body is not my own and that it has constraints that really should be followed. I’ve learned to listen carefully and it quite plainly tells me what is good and what is right. And its messages are simple; pleasure and pain.

Our body already knows ahead of time all the possible steps each and every one of us will take at any given moment because it has seen it all before. And because of this deeply ingrained wisdom whatever happens, good or bad, its response is the correct one.

And if you bring into the temple of your body the things it desires it can even heal you spontaneously from all manner of things; including cancer.

My body has a way. It is unchanging, and I have learned to submit my ways to it as the authority of me as its mouth’s gatekeeper…😎


Accelerate your stem cell production in three ways

In 2006, Nobel Prize winners, Kazutoshi Takahashi and Shinya Yamanak, turned the world upside down when they found that skin cells could be reprogrammed and become ‘induced’ pluripotent stem cells.  Somatic stem cells are undifferentiated. They are cells found throughout the body that are ready to go at any time. If a name were needed you could call them, “Johnny on the Spot.” They are always ready to be called into service in whatever way the body needs. One purpose they serve is that they replenish any of our senescent(old) cells that have reached the end of their useful life.

Stem cells are located in various locations throughout the body but multiply more readily in the protected environment of our bones marrow, our brain, and our gut. Our three innermost parts. Research shows that stem cells thrive in certain environments and the loss of their power of division and growth occurs when the environment is not favorable. What follows is how stem cells grow and thrive due to several internal and external influences.

1. Caloric Restriction Increases Stem Cell Proliferation

Studies have shown that the number of circulating stem cells in the blood increases with caloric restriction. Additionally, the lifespan of the organs is lengthened. Intermittent fasting or a fasting-mimicking diet is a good way to induce stem cell production and increase the overall functionality of cells. It is these stem cells that are the building materials for our temple.

Chronic inflammation and metabolic problems occur when too many building materials end up in our systems. Studies show that reducing glucose input increases stem cell longevity.

Plain and simple reducing circulating glucose is precisely what the body needs to optimally produce quality stem cells. Foods that are processed or concentrated in any way outside of the body are the biggest culprit.

2. Reduce Triglycerides

The most common causes of high triglycerides are obesity and poorly controlled diabetes. People with high triglycerides are more likely to gain weight, resulting in metabolic syndrome. Additionally, stem cells don’t grow as well in bodies that have high triglycerides.stem cell options

Some might suggest taking MORE high-quality omega-3 fatty acids to balance out triglycerides and help stem cell growth. I would suggest removing the offending source of the increase returning the body to balance and homeostasis rather than just putting in MORE. Both can be done, but one option is free and I have reservations with the other in that excess is not always better. That doesn’t mean though that there isn’t a place and time where some wisely administered supplements could result in a beneficial end towards whole-body homeostasis.

3. Exercise Boosts Stem Cell Activity

Using our body’s systems results in the proliferation of stem cells by simple means of use. One out, one in. Burn out one stem cell so that the newest one in line can brightly shine. Aerobic exercise in particular aids in this process especially when it comes to stem cells becoming bone instead of fat. When used our muscles activate stem cells as well. These are called mesenchymal stem cells and they are activated by exercise being made available to form new muscle and bone. I would always advise exercising caution in how you go about incorporating any new kind of exercise program. Especially if there are free weights and machines since they end up producing a bit more stress on the overall human creature.

Scribe(author) – Michael J. Loomis | Editor at Chew Digest