When you pay too much attention to categorical boundaries, you don’t see big pictures.
-Stanford professor Robert Sapolsky
Addiction and Disease
Choosing to live a life without craving does not come cheap. It cost me almost everything. Nearly everything to no longer be double-minded. What a quiet life, even able to navigate my dreams to my own destination.
-Michael J Loomis
What does addiction have to do with disease you ask…I would suggest everything. More to follow…
Digestive Enzymes
Through my continued experimentation with digestive enzymes, I am becoming more convinced that we need to start trading some of the money we are spending on food for money spent on enzymes. To the point that we can probably easily consume 1700 or less calories a day with proper digestive enzyme supplementation and end up with a greater nutritional impact, lower financial and metabolic cost resulting in better health and extended longevity.
Currently taking Serrapeptase, Bromelain, Pancreatin, Garden of Life Organic Digest(multi-enzyme blend), Enzymedica Digest Gold(multi-enzyme blend), Rutin and Nattokinase.
Further thoughts to follow.