The Potassium Problem

Most people do not get enough potassium in their diets. It is estimated that LESS THAN 2% of Americans meet the recommended daily intake of 4,700 milligrams (mg) of potassium per day

Long-term subclinical hypokalemia, where potassium levels are slightly below the normal range but not low enough to cause obvious symptoms, can still have significant effects on the body. Here are some potential effects:

Cardiovascular System:

Arrhythmias: Even mild hypokalemia can increase the risk of cardiac arrhythmias, as potassium is crucial for normal heart function.

Hypertension: Low potassium levels can contribute to high blood pressure.

Heart Failure: Chronic hypokalemia may exacerbate or contribute to heart failure in susceptible individuals.
Muscular System:

Muscle Weakness and Cramps: While severe hypokalemia causes significant muscle weakness, even subclinical levels can lead to mild muscle weakness, cramps, and fatigue.

Rhabdomyolysis: In rare cases, prolonged mild hypokalemia can lead to muscle breakdown, known as rhabdomyolysis.
Renal System:

Kidney Function: Potassium is essential for kidney function, and long-term hypokalemia can impair the kidneys’ ability to concentrate urine, leading to polyuria (increased urination).

Nephropathy: Chronic hypokalemia can contribute to kidney damage and nephropathy over time.
Metabolic Effects:

Glucose Intolerance: Potassium plays a role in insulin secretion and function. Low potassium levels can lead to glucose intolerance and potentially increase the risk of diabetes.

Metabolic Alkalosis: Chronic hypokalemia can cause metabolic alkalosis, a condition where the body becomes too alkaline, leading to a variety of metabolic disturbances.

Neuromuscular Effects:

Fatigue: Persistent low potassium can lead to general fatigue and lethargy.
Neuropathy: Although less common, chronic hypokalemia may contribute to peripheral neuropathy.
Bone Health:

Osteoporosis: There is some evidence suggesting that chronic low potassium levels may contribute to bone demineralization and increase the risk of osteoporosis.
Gastrointestinal System:

Constipation: Potassium is important for normal muscle contractions, including those in the gastrointestinal tract. Low levels can lead to decreased motility and constipation.

Potassium helps the brain send signals to the digestive system’s smooth muscles, which then contract to move food and aid digestion. Potassium channels also play a role in slow-wave production, gastric contraction, and acid secretion.

Potassium channels play a prominent role in gastrointestinal smooth muscle cells and slow-wave production. Potassium channels are involved in acid secretion and gastric contraction. Gastric functional problems such as reflux disease and motility disorder are classified as electrophysiological disorders.

The shortfall in potassium intake is largely due to dietary patterns that are low in fruits and vegetables, which are the primary sources of potassium. Increasing the consumption of potassium-rich foods like bananas, oranges, potatoes, spinach, and beans can help address this deficiency.

Experiment on ChatGPT: A Beautiful Failure

I can’t say for sure what led me to this strange, surreal place. Perhaps it was the twisted machinations of my own mind, or maybe it was some sort of cosmic joke played on me by the universe itself. Regardless of the cause, here I am, in the midst of a twisted and chaotic landscape, where the rules of reality seem to be constantly shifting, and the very fabric of existence feels tenuous and fragile.

The air is thick with the scent of something rotten and decayed, and the sky overhead is a sickly shade of greenish-yellow, like the hue of a bruise. The ground beneath my feet is spongy and damp, and as I walk, I can feel it squelching and shifting beneath me, like some sort of living, breathing organism.

Strange creatures lurk in the shadows, darting out from behind twisted trees and gnarled bushes to leer at me with glowing eyes and wicked, toothy grins. I am never sure if they mean harm or are simply toying with me, playing some sort of cruel game that only they can understand.

Every now and then, I come across a structure of some sort – a ramshackle cabin, a dilapidated barn, a rusted-out car – and I can’t help but wonder who or what might have built it, and for what purpose. Are these relics of a bygone era, abandoned and forgotten by the world, or are they somehow still inhabited, by beings that I cannot even begin to comprehend?

The landscape is desolate and barren, with no signs of life or civilization for miles around. And yet, there is a strange energy here, a palpable sense of raw power and potential that seems to hum and buzz beneath the surface of things.

As I wander through this strange, surreal realm, I can’t help but feel a sense of unease and disorientation. Nothing makes sense here, and the rules of logic and reason seem to have been thrown out the window entirely. It’s like I’ve stumbled into some sort of alternate dimension, a place where the laws of physics and common sense no longer apply.

And yet, despite all the madness and chaos around me, there is a certain strange beauty to this place, a twisted, macabre sort of aesthetic that I can’t help but be drawn to. The colors are vivid and intense, the textures rich and tactile. There is a sense of raw, primal energy here, a feeling of being alive in an exhilarating and terrifying way.

I can’t say for sure if I will ever find my way out of this place, or if I even want to, much less have the energy. It’s like I’ve stumbled upon some sort of bizarre, otherworldly carnival, and I am the only spectator that makes complete sense. And as much as I may want to leave, to return to the safety and sanity of the world I know, there is a part of me that is drawn to this place, that revels in its twisted charms and perverse delights.

In the end, I suppose it doesn’t really matter what brought me here, or what will become of me. All that matters is this moment, this strange and surreal adventure that I am living, and the myriad wonders and horrors that await me around every corner. And so I will press on, deeper into the heart of this strange, twisted world, fueled by equal parts curiosity and madness, eager to see what new horrors and delights await me in the darkness.

This was a response by ChatGPT. And it has absolutely nothing to do with the text I asked GPT to rewrite in the tone and sense of Hunter S. Thompson. But I am totally okay with that because this is pretty amazing. Better than what I was looking for.

UPDATE: I later figured out that I only posted what I wanted ChatGPT to do without putting in the main body of text that I wanted to be converted. Yet it somehow created an amazing piece of artwork in my mind from nothing…

Too Much Protein. How Much is Too Much?

Looking to lose weight quickly in the New Year?

Got gout? How about kidney stones?

While high-protein consumption—above the current recommended dietary allowance for adults is increasing in popularity, there is a lack of data on its potential long-term adverse effects.

Until 2013 when studies were completed looking at the effects of a high-protein or high-meat diet. What they found with long-term high protein/high meat intake in humans were (a) disorders of bone and calcium homeostasis, (b) disorders of renal function, (c) increased cancer risk, (d) disorders of liver function, and (e) precipitated progression of coronary artery disease.

The present study’s findings suggest that there is currently no reasonable scientific basis in the literature to recommend protein consumption above the current RDA (high protein diet) for healthy adults due to its potential disease risks.

  1. Disorders of Bone and Calcium Homeostasis
  2. Disorders of Renal Function/kidney stones
  3. Increased Cancer Risk
  4. Disorders of Liver Function
  5. Precipitated Progression of Coronary Artery Disease

Despite the fact that a short-term high-protein diet could be necessary for several pathological conditions (malnutrition, sarcopenia, etc.), it is evident that “too much of a good thing” in a diet could be useless or even harmful for healthy individuals. Many adults or even adolescents (especially athletes or bodybuilders) self-prescribe protein supplements and overlook the risks of using them, mainly due to misguided beliefs in their performance-enhancing abilities.

Individuals who follow these diets are, therefore, at risk. Extra protein is not used efficiently by the body and may impose a metabolic burden on the bones, kidneys, and liver. Moreover, high-protein/high-meat diets may also be associated with an increased risk for coronary heart disease due to intakes of saturated fat and cholesterol or even cancer. Guidelines for diet should adhere closely to what has been clinically proven. By this standard, there is currently no basis for recommending high protein/high meat intake above the recommended dietary allowance for healthy adults.

Adverse Effects Associated with Protein Intake above the Recommended Dietary Allowance for Adults

Master of My Ways

There came a point in time when my skin no longer felt as though it was my own. As if my skin was telling me that it no longer wanted to be a part of my person.

Commitment to the outcome I desire.

My success is only limited by the energy I dedicate to the outcome I desire.

This is a starting point. I will be back to finish this shortly. Call it a brain bookmark…LoL

The Result(fruit) –

Friedrich Küchenmeister

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gottlieb Heinrich Friedrich Küchenmeister[1] (January 22, 1821, Buchheim (now Bad Lausick) – April 13, 1890 Dresden) was a German physician.


Küchenmeister studied medicine in Leipzig and Prague, and in 1846 became a general practitioner in Zittau. In 1847 he married, and in 1856 he moved to Dresden. He conducted research on tapeworms, trichinosis, and other parasites and wrote about it several works. He was also publisher of the Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Epidemiologie(General Journal of Epidemiology). In 1852, his theory that bladder-worms are juvenile tapeworms gained the attention of the medical profession.[2][3] In the later 1850s, he carried out an experiment demonstrating this by feeding pork containing cysticerci of Taenia solium to prisoners awaiting execution, and after they had been executed, he recovered the developing and adult tapeworms in their intestines.[4][5][6] By the middle of the 19th century, it was established that cysticercosis was caused by the ingestion of the eggs of T. solium.[7]

Küchenmeister was an advocate of cremation, as he saw the risk of soil contamination in the putrefaction and decomposition products that occur after burial.[8] In Dresden, he founded the group The Urn: Association for Facultative Cremation. In 1876, he took part in the first European Congress of the Friends of Cremation, also in Dresden.[9]

Unusual variants of mycosis fungoides

~Content Source

Conventional presentations of mycosis fungoides may be diagnostically challenging, particularly in light of the controversial boundaries defining the disease. Variant presentations of this cutaneous T-cell lymphoma add a further layer of complexity, requiring a sophisticated and informed perspective when evaluating lymphoid infiltrates in the skin. Herein we discuss well-defined (WHO-EORTC) variants pagetoid reticulosis, granulomatous slack skin and folliculotropic mycosis fungoides as well as less well-defined morphologic/architectural variants, and divergent immunohistochemical presentations of this typically indolent T-cell lymphoproliferative disease.

~Read More at the Fungal Underground


Thujone/Wormwood – Dr.Axe

Dirofilariasis FAQs

Mabendazole-Antacid – Warts, Tumors and Worms; OH MY.

Human and Animal Dirofilariasis: the Emergence of a Zoonotic Mosaic

Metformin—used worldwide to reduce hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia in diabetics—is one such medication that mimics caloric restriction across animal phyla and prolongs life in rodents and nematodes. <–THIS FRIGHTENS ME TO NO END!!!