Proteolysis and Aging. Why I Take Serrapeptase and Lumbrokinase(Sometimes)

What is the relationship between proteolysis and aging?

Note: The use of these enzymes should likely be for a limited time span only. I will use them for a two-week period once every few months to clean out the aging cobwebs…8). The reason why is explained in the last paragraph.

Proteolysis refers to the breakdown of proteins into their constituent amino acids or smaller peptides, typically by enzymatic action. In the context of aging, proteolysis is an essential part of cellular maintenance and repair mechanisms, which are critical for health and longevity. Here are some potential benefits of proteolysis on aging:

1. Clearance of damaged proteins: Over time, proteins can become damaged due to various factors like oxidative stress, exposure to harmful substances, etc. Damaged proteins can become dysfunctional and may contribute to age-related diseases. Proteolysis helps in clearing these damaged proteins, maintaining the health of cells and tissues.

2. Autophagy and longevity: Proteolysis is a key part of autophagy, a cellular process of self-digestion where damaged organelles, misfolded or aggregated proteins are degraded and recycled. Dysfunctional autophagy has been linked with aging and age-related diseases. Enhancing autophagy through proteolysis might promote longevity and slow down the aging process.

3. Regulation of protein homeostasis (proteostasis): Aging is associated with a decline in proteostasis, the balance of protein synthesis, folding, and degradation. Proteolysis is a major factor in maintaining proteostasis, which is crucial for cellular function and health.

4. Activation of beneficial pathways: Certain proteins, when broken down through proteolysis, can activate pathways that are beneficial for health and longevity. For example, proteolysis of certain proteins can activate mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin), a key regulator of aging.

5. Immune system function: Proteolysis can support immune system function, which often declines with age. The process helps present antigens to immune cells, aiding in the recognition and clearance of pathogens and potentially cancerous cells.

6. Cell signaling: Proteolysis also plays a role in various cell signaling pathways, many of which can impact aging. For example, Notch signaling, which is regulated in part by proteolysis, is involved in cell differentiation and tissue homeostasis.

While proteolysis appears to have beneficial effects on aging, it’s also important to note that uncontrolled proteolysis can lead to muscle wasting and other detrimental effects. Balance is key, and maintaining optimal levels of proteolysis is important for health and longevity. Further research is needed to better understand how to regulate proteolysis for anti-aging benefits.

-Michael J. Loomis & ChatGPT

Digestive Enzymes

Through my continued experimentation with digestive enzymes, I am becoming more convinced that we need to start trading some of the money we are spending on food for money spent on enzymes. To the point that we can probably easily consume 1700 or less calories a day with proper digestive enzyme supplementation and end up with a greater nutritional impact, lower financial and metabolic cost resulting in better health and extended longevity.

Currently taking Serrapeptase, Bromelain, Pancreatin, Garden of Life Organic Digest(multi-enzyme blend), Enzymedica Digest Gold(multi-enzyme blend), Rutin and Nattokinase.

Further thoughts to follow.