Reflections on Life Today and Tomorrow

I’m done disagreeing with people about what they put in their mouths. Human beings, in general, don’t/won’t change their dietary course in life until their body, as a greater authority, on life, instructs them otherwise. And most of the time, a tragedy must befall someone before they make meaningful changes in a more positive direction. Whether it be loss of function, loss of body parts due to amputation or removal, deafness, blindness, cancer, kidney failure, or cardiovascular disease, eventually, the body will speak(protest) loud enough that a change will take place.

Unfortunately, that change is sometimes death. Often at an early age.

I want people to realize that they have the potential to live a long healthy life, even up to the age of 120 years in some cases. Yet, here we are in a world where people are willing to settle for somewhere in their mid-seventies with a body that is no longer productive above the age of 65(retirement).

What if you could live your life in such a manner that your body wouldn’t even begin to feel the need to retire until you reached 110 productive years?

What if your body could repair and maintain itself in a manner that led most people to believe that you were no older than a healthy, athletic 34-year-old according to today’s standards?

As far as I am concerned, it can be done, and I will continue working toward that end. I will continue to observe nature and what it means to be a human within the greater structure of the lifeform we call Earth. It is a macro-organism, and we are all micro-organisms dependent on it as our host.

Our existence is no accident. We are here at the pleasure of our host. We are a guest at the table of life. And I plan on taking full advantage of every opportunity afforded me to maximize the wealth of time that has been granted to me as a human.

If you can read this, you are a very fortunate soul and rich beyond the measure of many. And I hope that many of you reading this today will still be walking beside me in another 70 years on my 120th birthday.

-Michael J. Loomis

*A Facebook Answer. What I would do. What I did

There is nothing…noooothing that can replace what chewing does physiologically.

Let me address this then I can share a few other things with you.

I personally believe that it is the biggest single factor under our control that can change the course of our body health overall.

I am a survivor of cancer and even before I was diagnosed my body started me headed in a healing direction for which I am very grateful. One of the first things I started doing was chewing my food 100X. I literally started liquefying everything like a juicer and then swallowing the worn out flavorless pulp. I wouldn’t try that overnight but you might want to work up to that as quickly as you can comfortably. This practice alone will began a long term change that improved many things in my life. Not only did my oral health improve but my jaw corrected to a better alignment and my sinuses are much healthier too.

It literally fixes a whole load of problems.

I don’t count anymore because I eventually learned to just chew everything until there is no liquid left. However long that took. It has been so revolutionary to me that I dedicated a whole site to it…LoL

NO mouth breathing. It was little rough at first but over time my sinuses improved greatly because of these two physical practices that focused on my mouth and nose. My inputs.

My body has a natural cycle; a rhythm. Very much like clockwork. I found that my body performs its best when I do the following religiously.

This is one practice that has worked very well for me. You might try it on for size. My body likes this one as it follows a very simple schedule that has nothing to do with me but the day/night cycles.

  1. 12 Noon to 8 PM: Feed
  2. 8 PM to 4 AM: Assimilate what you ate from 12-8.
  3. 4 AM to 12 Noon: Eliminate and cleanse. 

I eat no solid foods outside the feeding window. I’m ready to fall asleep before 9 and laying down with something good to read or write ready to fall asleep. My body takes off during this 8-hour shift. So I go to bed. I usually wake up around midnight and have a glass of water or two then back to bed. But sometimes I’m inspired to write and will for a couple of hours. Then I sleep in till 6’ish.
I almost always wake up religiously at 4 AM. Strangely when our body’s assimilation shift is over. It’s like it hands me back the keys…LoL
When I first get up I juice 2 limes, 1 lemon, and 1 orange and top off in a pint glass with water. I will have a big cup of decaffeinated green tea usually after 9 am with some honey and lemon in it.

If I can’t make it till Noon I will have an orange. That usually gets me there.
I eat only fruit from Noon till 6 PM. I eat only one thing at a time but enough to fill me up. 2-3 times till dinner which is a huge leafy green salad with all the other good tomato, cucumber, carrot, etc., and then done by 8.

A few other factors I removed from my diet that made HUGE improvements in circulation and hydration levels were coffee, dark chocolate, and SALT. It’s all the same no matter the color, price, or origin…LoL. I know we love these things, but we don’t need them and they are not much of a help in wanting to achieve my fullest potential of 120 years with a body that looks and feels no more than 34.

This is basically a high-performance lifestyle/diet that optimally observes what my body needs to heal, recover and rebuild at the fastest rate. I intuited most of this on my own by trial and error over a 3.5 year period. I’ve written about that too…LoL.

It was more than just a dietary change but a tuning if you will of my will with the will of my body.

And it just keeps getting better for me every day. I’m almost 50 and people think I’m in around 30 when they meet me. And that is after cancer too.
I can’t tell you what your body wants, but I know what worked for me. And I don’t think I am anyone special. My body was wrecked and I was scared straight.

What If’s-2019-03-31

What if…Something as simple as Prilosec or Nexium could aid in disrupting the lifecycle of cancer? Imagine that. An over the counter antacid used in an off-label manner leading to countless spontaneous remissions of various types of cancers.

I think I have connected those dots and I’m not the only one. Yay…

Utilization of omeprazole to augment subtherapeutic voriconazole concentrations for treatment of Aspergillus infections.

Mycosis fungoides responding to systemic itraconazole.

Repositioning of proton pump inhibitors in cancer therapy.

ASPERGILLUS TREATMENT: Black Mold-Utilization of omeprazole to augment subtherapeutic voriconazole concentrations for treatment of Aspergillus infections.

What If’s-2019-03-01

Happy March 2019-

What if…Bio-scenario_001-Life begins at conception and ends once decomposition ends.

What if…Cancer is a part of that biological process, a molecular bio-remediation tool used that has remote switching by the hosts immune system but no off switch. These cancers are proteins who’s DNA can be disrupted and modified.

The reason there is no off switch is because there is no need for one. These are the clean up crew that is activated upon chemical signaling caused by host death. Why would a Consumer, designed to do just that need an off switch? These cells that the cancer consume already had that function built in called apoptosis.

On occasion a host is resuscitated after the host death message is sent. The problem now being that the host is alive again but with cancer crew having already been activated.

These cancer cells once activated are set to consume the host and will continue to do so until disrupted and eradicated or until all host tissue has been consumed.

On their own each of these cells, even at post invasion levels can be overcome by the hosts immune system if it is functioning at a minimum of 90% capacity. If host immunity is below 80% full scale colonization can begin.

More to come…

…What triggers initial colonization of what will eventually become identified as a problematic cancer in the future. A tumor?

…Mary, Jesus, spot & blemish?

…3rd Trimester, Goal Posts and immune system autonomy between mother and child.

…how far back can we go with cleansing diets and digestive enzymes on full tilt?

Looking again…At the skin as an atmosphere for our body. The subcutaneous layer of our skin being equivalent to soil on Earth. Where do we make changes to our outermost layer of skin?

What If’s-2018/12/22

What if…Regarding cancer, rather than trying to think outside the box, maybe we should be looking at it and wondering if it was ever a box to begin with.

What if…We have been looking at what we call cancer too closely and have missed the bigger picture. Focused too acutely on individual cells, or too deeply inside of them. That cancer needs to be observed like a forest…From a distance.


What if…The majority of human disease is simply septic in nature or toxin based in origin?

Is there anyone historically that has attempted to cure cancer, not at the individual level, but at a multi-generational/genetic level? Seeking gains at the multi-generational level.

What if…There were no such thing as genetic lines of disease?

What if…Disease were simply a continual passing down of bad alimentary habits passed from one generation to the next resulting in the same malady in both parent and child?

-Michael J Loomis