Follow The Equatorial Sun

Eat like an Amazonian.

  1. Eat only when the sun can shine on it. Don’t let it kiss your lips if the sun can’t kiss it first. Eat only between the hours of 6 am and 6 pm. Hunters and gatherers wouldn’t be out hunting and gathering at night lest they become the prey of another predator. And they certainly wouldn’t have been eating as many calories on a daily, regular basis as we do today. They might have even had times during the year where they might go days without eating. They would have had times of adversity and seasonal variety by default. This leads me to my next point.
  2. If you eat something one day, do not eat it the next. As hunters and gatherers, they would have eaten a variety of foods throughout the year. Refined foods with preservatives and refrigeration changed all that. We now eat the same things day after day after day. This leads to a lack of diversity in our gut flora resulting in food allergies, hormonal imbalances, and other deficiencies because of our modern technological conveniences. This leads me to my next point.
  3. Eat at least 95% whole-food/plant-based.* Hunters and gatherers wouldn’t have had the ability to eat animal-based proteins 3 meals a day as modern man does. They would have been eating a diet that was made up of mostly herbivorous fare and ZERO processed foods or preservatives. There was no Piggly Wiggly, HEB, Costco, or Walmart. There were no refrigerators, butchers, burger joints, greasy spoons, or taco trucks to serve up meat three times a day like have available today.

And that is it. Not difficult at all and it can be observed whether you are an omnivore, vegetarian, or vegan.

These are the three main pillars of health that I have discovered from the last 4.5 years of my research into human physiology and disease pathology. It took a lot of time and observation of data from both anecdotal and scientific sources. I have read hundreds of books and countless scientific and medical journals on almost every aspect of how the human body functions and what the human body needs to perform at its optimal levels.

Is this my final opinion or word on this subject? By no means. This is my AT&T position. This is where I am at in my understanding AT THIS TIME.

I will say however that I am feeling a certain level of confidence that these three pillars will likely be the foundation for much of my future writings on the subjects of eating and how it relates to human physiology and disease pathology. Eating the right way shouldn’t be complex. I imagine it wasn’t complex for a hunter and gatherer that was living long before the time of agriculture and the use of crops as we understand the use of domesticated plant and animal food sources.

*For those of you that choose to consume non-plant-based food sources be sure to limit them to 5% of your caloric intake at the most. This would best be observed by eating an animal-based meal in one sitting with 3-4 days spacing. This would allow enough time for the prior non-plant-based food sources to have been assimilated before introducing more non-plant-based food sources back into the body.