The Potassium Problem

Most people do not get enough potassium in their diets. It is estimated that LESS THAN 2% of Americans meet the recommended daily intake of 4,700 milligrams (mg) of potassium per day

Long-term subclinical hypokalemia, where potassium levels are slightly below the normal range but not low enough to cause obvious symptoms, can still have significant effects on the body. Here are some potential effects:

Cardiovascular System:

Arrhythmias: Even mild hypokalemia can increase the risk of cardiac arrhythmias, as potassium is crucial for normal heart function.

Hypertension: Low potassium levels can contribute to high blood pressure.

Heart Failure: Chronic hypokalemia may exacerbate or contribute to heart failure in susceptible individuals.
Muscular System:

Muscle Weakness and Cramps: While severe hypokalemia causes significant muscle weakness, even subclinical levels can lead to mild muscle weakness, cramps, and fatigue.

Rhabdomyolysis: In rare cases, prolonged mild hypokalemia can lead to muscle breakdown, known as rhabdomyolysis.
Renal System:

Kidney Function: Potassium is essential for kidney function, and long-term hypokalemia can impair the kidneys’ ability to concentrate urine, leading to polyuria (increased urination).

Nephropathy: Chronic hypokalemia can contribute to kidney damage and nephropathy over time.
Metabolic Effects:

Glucose Intolerance: Potassium plays a role in insulin secretion and function. Low potassium levels can lead to glucose intolerance and potentially increase the risk of diabetes.

Metabolic Alkalosis: Chronic hypokalemia can cause metabolic alkalosis, a condition where the body becomes too alkaline, leading to a variety of metabolic disturbances.

Neuromuscular Effects:

Fatigue: Persistent low potassium can lead to general fatigue and lethargy.
Neuropathy: Although less common, chronic hypokalemia may contribute to peripheral neuropathy.
Bone Health:

Osteoporosis: There is some evidence suggesting that chronic low potassium levels may contribute to bone demineralization and increase the risk of osteoporosis.
Gastrointestinal System:

Constipation: Potassium is important for normal muscle contractions, including those in the gastrointestinal tract. Low levels can lead to decreased motility and constipation.

Potassium helps the brain send signals to the digestive system’s smooth muscles, which then contract to move food and aid digestion. Potassium channels also play a role in slow-wave production, gastric contraction, and acid secretion.

Potassium channels play a prominent role in gastrointestinal smooth muscle cells and slow-wave production. Potassium channels are involved in acid secretion and gastric contraction. Gastric functional problems such as reflux disease and motility disorder are classified as electrophysiological disorders.

The shortfall in potassium intake is largely due to dietary patterns that are low in fruits and vegetables, which are the primary sources of potassium. Increasing the consumption of potassium-rich foods like bananas, oranges, potatoes, spinach, and beans can help address this deficiency.

*Thoughts From a Facebook Response-2022/01/30

Some thoughts from a response in a Facebook post.

My body’s disease expression was diagnosed as mycosis fungoides. A cutaneous T-cell lymphoma.

Regardless of what it is called, I don’t see it being anything different than one simple thing. Advanced aging and failure of the body to properly detox. But not because the body and how it functions was the problem, but my behavior was the thing that was keeping my body from properly detoxifying itself.

Maybe we are all wrong to one degree or another about which foods need to be going into our mouths when we should be looking for another or other factors altogether.

I probably spend way too much time researching/reading/listening to different people that are masters in their respective fields of understanding when it comes to aging and how to minimize the effects of it.

That being said, I’m beginning to see a pattern amongst them all and that is that we are simply spending more time per day eating than we need to be. And that if we could pack enough nutrients into one feeding per day, our body would be much better off than multiple meals and snacks.

One idea I’ve been considering trying is something like eating one of my giant 3-pound salads one day followed by coconut water the rest of the day. 2.5-3 pounds of sweet potatoes the next day + coconut water. And then a huge bowl of vegetable soup on the third day + coconut water. All fruit on the fourth day. Then maybe just a day of liquids. Rinse and repeat.

I think diversity and variety within a plant-based/whole food framework are more important than these disagreements we are all having. Even raw vs. cooked. I think it might likely be healthier to do both on different days to keep our internal micro-organisms guessing rather than us being predictable.

To my animal-eating friends. That is your choice, but there is a LOT of clear data to be found that demonstrates that in the long run, it does more harm than good.

Also, the idea of needing to eat three times a day along with snacks is probably just a dumb idea from the advent of the Industrial Revolution and the need to create human resources that needed to be working all day long.

There really seems to be something about allowing the body to rest as long as possible between feedings but not really something found in extended fasting unless death is looming.

Anyhow…These are just some thoughts.

P.S. And we should all probably be getting a little more direct sunlight on our skin regularly. And the more melanin one has in their skin, the more is needed.

Cancer, aging and cellular senescence.

Inducers of Senescence, Toxic Compounds, and Senolytics: The Multiple Faces of Nrf2-Activating Phytochemicals in Cancer Adjuvant Therapy

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Normal cells do not divide indefinitely due to a process termed cellular or replicative senescence. Several lines of evidence suggest that replicative senescence evolved to protect higher eukaryotes, particularly mammals, from developing cancer. Senescent cells differ from Continue reading Cancer, aging and cellular senescence.


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