What If’s-2019-03-31

What if…Something as simple as Prilosec or Nexium could aid in disrupting the lifecycle of cancer? Imagine that. An over the counter antacid used in an off-label manner leading to countless spontaneous remissions of various types of cancers.

I think I have connected those dots and I’m not the only one. Yay…

Utilization of omeprazole to augment subtherapeutic voriconazole concentrations for treatment of Aspergillus infections.

Mycosis fungoides responding to systemic itraconazole.

Repositioning of proton pump inhibitors in cancer therapy.

ASPERGILLUS TREATMENT: Black Mold-Utilization of omeprazole to augment subtherapeutic voriconazole concentrations for treatment of Aspergillus infections.

What If’s-2019-03-01

Happy March 2019-

What if…Bio-scenario_001-Life begins at conception and ends once decomposition ends.

What if…Cancer is a part of that biological process, a molecular bio-remediation tool used that has remote switching by the hosts immune system but no off switch. These cancers are proteins who’s DNA can be disrupted and modified.

The reason there is no off switch is because there is no need for one. These are the clean up crew that is activated upon chemical signaling caused by host death. Why would a Consumer, designed to do just that need an off switch? These cells that the cancer consume already had that function built in called apoptosis.

On occasion a host is resuscitated after the host death message is sent. The problem now being that the host is alive again but with cancer crew having already been activated.

These cancer cells once activated are set to consume the host and will continue to do so until disrupted and eradicated or until all host tissue has been consumed.

On their own each of these cells, even at post invasion levels can be overcome by the hosts immune system if it is functioning at a minimum of 90% capacity. If host immunity is below 80% full scale colonization can begin.

More to come…

…What triggers initial colonization of what will eventually become identified as a problematic cancer in the future. A tumor?

…Mary, Jesus, spot & blemish?

…3rd Trimester, Goal Posts and immune system autonomy between mother and child.

…how far back can we go with cleansing diets and digestive enzymes on full tilt?

Looking again…At the skin as an atmosphere for our body. The subcutaneous layer of our skin being equivalent to soil on Earth. Where do we make changes to our outermost layer of skin?

What If’s-2018/12/22

What if…Regarding cancer, rather than trying to think outside the box, maybe we should be looking at it and wondering if it was ever a box to begin with.

What if…We have been looking at what we call cancer too closely and have missed the bigger picture. Focused too acutely on individual cells, or too deeply inside of them. That cancer needs to be observed like a forest…From a distance.


What if…The majority of human disease is simply septic in nature or toxin based in origin?

Is there anyone historically that has attempted to cure cancer, not at the individual level, but at a multi-generational/genetic level? Seeking gains at the multi-generational level.

What if…There were no such thing as genetic lines of disease?

What if…Disease were simply a continual passing down of bad alimentary habits passed from one generation to the next resulting in the same malady in both parent and child?

-Michael J Loomis

Process Protocol

Process Protocol(dietary/physiological) – verb: to perform a series of mechanical or chemical operations on (something) in order to change or preserve it. A transformation from a diminished usable form(someone) to a more useful and efficient pure form.

I am currently testing, on myself anyways, what I call a process protocol. This coupled with a whole-food/plant-based fare that is approximately 80/10/10. 80% whole foods. 20% fat and protein. 

The idea is to transform my alimentary tract, from nose to tail, into the equivalent of an extremely efficient sugar fermenting refinery, an efficient water treatment plant and smooth running septic system by using the same concepts found in septic systems and industrial process plants. The end result being to backpedal the effects of aging and then slow down the effects of aging as much as possible until technology can better/best us in that area too. All while effectively reducing the metabolic load on my system as a whole.

Another thing I am attempting to do is reboot, refurbish and hack my endocrine system. Get it back to what it would have looked like at say 18 years of age.

And then finally I am working on a way to improve the overall functionality of the lymphatic system to best work in my favor to rid my body of disease.

process-protocol-144My working theory, through best practices of ingestion, digestion and waste coupled with minimal exertion resistance training at maximum flexion, is that I should be able to minimize, delay or even completely hinder the effects of aging as much as humanly possible. That is make it to 100 years of age with a body that looks at most like a fit 40. And ultimately push death back to at least 144.

I imagine if I can avoid obesity and diabetes, stave off the effects of dementia for long enough, coupled with a diet that doesn’t spike insulin, that I should also be able to improve cardiovascular health and apoptosis, resulting in having a hard time not living beyond 120, barring any accidental external trauma. All with a body that halts or at least limits the process of deterioration currently associated with aging.

I was born in 1972, and I would like to see the 22nd century. My goal is 144 years of youthful living without suffering. I also imagine that, if successful, that this way of life could also solve a number of problems related to the current population status and load on our land.

Digestive Enzymes

Through my continued experimentation with digestive enzymes, I am becoming more convinced that we need to start trading some of the money we are spending on food for money spent on enzymes. To the point that we can probably easily consume 1700 or less calories a day with proper digestive enzyme supplementation and end up with a greater nutritional impact, lower financial and metabolic cost resulting in better health and extended longevity.

Currently taking Serrapeptase, Bromelain, Pancreatin, Garden of Life Organic Digest(multi-enzyme blend), Enzymedica Digest Gold(multi-enzyme blend), Rutin and Nattokinase.

Further thoughts to follow.

Chew Digest…The Publication

This is where you will find updates to the coming publication. If you would like to follow along with my discoveries and research visit The Fungal Underground. There you will find some of my original thoughts and personal practices, but for the most part the Fungal Underground Q’n’A or FUQNA.COM is a place where I collect all of the relevant data my future publication.

Cheers…Michael J Loomis