Back to the Garden

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could point to a Golden Age of dietary bliss as a standard for life?

I’ve been looking for the perfect diet for the last 4+ years of my life. Over that time I have continued to refine my own dietary and lifestyle practices in accordance with everything I am learning. If there is something I find that I have been doing that could be improved, I don’t hesitate. Out with the old and in with the new. My willingness to change for the sake of improvement is about the only thing still the same after these 4+ years.

One thing that has remained consistently true the whole way is efficiency and conservation of resources. That my body benefits the most when I meet its overall needs at the overall lowest metabolic cost. The greatest amount of nutrients assimilated for the least amount of effort. Simply put…Be easy on my body. Don’t make it work any harder than it needs to in accessing its energy and building blocks composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus.

I’ve found that the best way to accomplish this is with a whole-food/plant-based diet. And I’ve come to this conclusion, because of the design of our digestive tract, how it functions, and finally taking into consideration the microbial life that inhabits our digestive tract. Some five to eight pounds of microbial life just like the life I find in an acre of topsoil. Some 300 to 500 different kinds of bacteria containing nearly 2 million genes living happily with other tiny organisms like archaea, viruses, and fungi, they make what’s known as the microbiota, or the microbiome.

So I’m thinking…

What are the preferred foods of bacteria and the rest of his gut buddies? What would a thriving acre of topsoil best be served by? What would be the easiest for those topsoil inhabitants to digest and what would be the most difficult?

Seems like the answer should be simple for anyone to answer. Feed our body by properly feeding our microbes.

More reading on topsoil feeding in agriculture: To restore our soils, feed the microbes

Back to the Garden of Eatin

by Michael J Loomis

We Are Legion

Reading Time: 3 Minutes – Author: Michael J Loomis

I believe that we are creators by nature. And in that sense, any creation implies a creator.

Good old Biofilm Earth is one continual act of creation. Birth, lifespan, death, and rebirth. And carbon is the basis of the clay in the hands of our maker as it is in ours and that which we make.

We love to build labor-saving devices. Technologies that extend our natural abilities to supernatural levels. Think John Deere and Caterpillar.

Go visit the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach and just look all around. Then take a look back at yourself. See any similarities?

We are an assemblage of a host and the many other species living in, on, or around us, along with the ones that became us. Together we form a discrete ecological unit. Are we not a bio-mechanical extension of the other 99% of DNA-based species that call us home?

The components of a holobiont are individual species or bionts, while the combined genome of all bionts is the hologenome, THE HUMAN.

Maybe it is us that is the heavy lift for the microbial life that inhabits not only the internal terrain of Biofilm Earth, but also our skin, inside and out. Maybe it is us that accomplishes the greater good of those things that worked so hard for so many millennia to realize that they just needed a big help. And so we were formed from the dust of the earth.

Maybe it is not us that is genetically modifying our fruits and vegetables for our good. How selfish. Maybe it is those lifeforms that are utilizing us, influencing us to do their bidding of accelerating their genetic evolution. From a simple field of grass to an ear of robust corn and head of wheat to provide simple energy that just falls to the ground for our creator’s liking.

And all those bacteria, yeast, and fungi needed to do was create us. To do their bidding. To do their heavy lifting. To solve their food problem as they overpopulated Biofilm Earth.

Welcome to Biofilm Earth fellow Holobiont.

We are Legion

Reading Time: 3 Minutes – We Are Legion

by Michael J Loomis

Life’s Not Easy When You’re ‘DIS’easy.

Reading Time: 2 Minutes – Author: Michael J Loomis

I don’t think I could demonstrate this any better myself.

As I’ve been researching human physiology and disease pathology over the last four years, one thing has stood out very clearly. That everything associated with all forms of virus is ultimately resulting in the body detoxifying itself so that it can make it further down the road.

And detoxification is ALWAYS a good thing for longevity. However, some people live such a toxic lifestyle and are so filled with toxins that a detox event could ultimately be FATAL.

And this is the downside of viruses as we are now witnessing in the world today.

Please take a moment and consider this. Yes, we call it ‘DIS’ease because quite frankly, it’s not easy. It is just the opposite. ‘DIS’easy.

Michael J. Loomis | Editor at Chew Digest | Scribe at Terrain Wiki

Reading Time: 2 Minutes – Life’s Not Easy When You’re ‘DIS’easy.

by Michael J Loomis

Ten Physical Differences Between Carnivores(Meat Eaters) and Herbivores(Plant Eaters). Is the Human Body Designed to Eat Animal Products?

  1. A carnivore’s teeth are long, sharp, and pointed. These are tools that are useful for the task of piercing into flesh. Omnivore’s (meat and plant eaters) teeth are similar to that of carnivores. Man’s, as well as other herbivore’s teeth, are not pointed, but flat-edged. These are useful tools for biting, crushing, and grinding.
  2. A carnivore’s jaws move up and down with minimal sideways motion. The jaw motion of an omnivore is similar. These are tools that are useful for the tasks of shearing, ripping and tearing flesh and swallowing it whole. Omnivores swallow their food whole and/or with simple crushing. Man’s, as well as other herbivore’s jaws cannot shear, but have good side to side and back to front motion. These are tools that are useful for extensive chewing, crushing and grinding of grains and other high fiber foods. Animal flesh cannot be crushed, ground and chewed with the tools Yahweh gave man without some degenerating process such as cooking or frying.
  3. A carnivore or omnivore’s saliva does not contain digestive enzymes. Man’s, as well as other herbivore’s saliva is alkaline, containing carbohydrate digestive enzymes.
  4. A carnivore’s stomach secretes powerful digestive enzymes with about 10 times the amount of hydrochloric acid than a human or herbivore. The pH is less than or equal to “1” with food in the stomach, for a carnivore or omnivore. For humans or other herbivores, the pH ranges from 4 to 5 with food in the stomach. Hence, man must prepare his meats with laborious cooking or frying methods. E. Coli bacteria, salmonella, campylobacter, trichina worms [parasites] or other pathogens would not survive in the stomach of a lion.
  5. A carnivore’s or omnivore’s small intestine is three to six times the length of its trunk. This is a tool designed for rapid elimination of food that rots quickly. Man’s, as well as other herbivore’s small intestines are 10 to 12 times the length of their body, and winds itself back and forth in random directions. This is a tool designed for keeping food in it for long enough periods of time so that all the valuable nutrients and minerals can be extracted from it before it enters the large intestine.
  6. A carnivore’s or omnivore’s large intestine is relatively short and simple, like a pipe. This passage is also relatively smooth and runs fairly straight so that fatty wastes high in cholesterol can easily slide out before they start to putrefy. Man’s, as well as other herbivore’s large intestines, or colons, are puckered and pouched, an apparatus that runs in three directions (ascending, traversing and descending), designed to hold wastes that originally were foods high in water content. This is so that the fluids can be extracted from these wastes, now that all the useful nutrients and minerals have been extracted and the long journey through the small intestine is over. Substances high in fat and cholesterol that have been putrefying for hours during their long stay in the small intestine tend to get stuck in the pockets that line the large intestine.
  7. Animal flesh, composed of the most highly complex type of protein that exists, requires vast amounts of uric acid to process. Uric acid is released into the system in amounts necessary to break proteins down into amino acids. Uric acid is a toxic substance responsible for the aging process and must be flushed out and dealt with. That is one of the jobs of the liver. In relative terms, a carnivore’s liver is a tool designed with the capacity to eliminate ten times as much uric acid as the liver of man or other plant eater.
  8. A predator has a gait, large paws and claws, which enable him to hunt, chase and trap his prey. These are tools meant to kill. Man’s gait, as well as other herbivore’s is designed only for mobility. Examine your hand, fingers and fingernails. Is this an apparatus properly designed for catching, trapping, killing and ripping apart cattle, hogs, chicken and fish? How does this work for picking fruit from trees or harvesting vegetables? The foods your hands were meant to gather are typically, high in water content, high also in fiber to sweep the wastes out of those intestines, and collectively contain every vitamin and mineral necessary to sustain human life.
  9. A carnivore’s frame of mind is totally geared for hunting and killing. Man’s frame of mind is compassionate, friendly and reveres life. When the lion spots another furry animal, something might instinctively click in his head that tells him to hurry up and get dinner. When man spots a furry animal, rather than show his children how to take its life and eat it, a more likely instinct is to pull over, get the camera out and take a picture. Put a young baby chick and an apple in a crib with a six-month-old baby. What will he instinctively attempt to eat and play with?
  10. Man is not a natural hunter. Every predator, in order to go hunting, MUST be hungry. Man cannot go hunting if he IS hungry! He must have a meal first. Hunger must precede a predator to go hunting. Hunger must follow man’s desire to go hunting, it cannot precede it.


Melatonin Enhances the Anti-Tumor Effect of Fisetin

An Association Map on the Effect of Flavonoids on the Signaling Pathways in Colorectal Cancer – Flavonoids, Flavonols, Quercetin, Kaempferol, Myricetin, Fisetin, Rutin, Flavanones, Hesperidin, Naringenin, Silibinin, Eriodictyol, Flavones, Acacetin, Apigenin, Chrysin, Tangeretin, Luteolin, Baicalein, Nobiletin, Flavan-3-ols (flavanols), Catechins, Proanthocyanidin, Flavanonols, Pelargonidin, Peonidin, Cyanidin, Delphinidin, Malvidin.

PDFAn Association Map on the Effect of Flavonoids on the Signaling Pathways in Colorectal Cancer

Medical and Dietary Uses of N-Acetylcysteine

Microbes in the Era of Circadian Medicine

Bacterial circadian rhythm | Circadian advantage

Your Body, Your System – Dr. Shiva

Escin induces caspase-dependent apoptosis and autophagy

How do anti-mitotic drugs kill cancer cells?

Anti-tubulin antibodies in autoimmune thyroid disorders.

Mitotic inhibitor

Hesperidin suppressed proliferations of both human breast cancer and androgen-dependent prostate cancer cells.


Who Had Their Finger on the Magic of Life – Antoine Bechamp or Louis Pasteur?


Inducers of Senescence, Toxic Compounds, and Senolytics – We herein describe in vitro and in vivo effects of fifteen Nrf2-interacting natural compounds (tocotrienols, curcumin, epigallocatechin gallate, quercetin, genistein, resveratrol, silybin, phenethyl isothiocyanate, sulforaphane, triptolide, allicin, berberine, piperlongumine, fisetin, and phloretin) on cellular senescence and discuss their use in adjuvant cancer therapy.

Cancer, aging and cellular senescence – Normal cells do not Continue reading linkRoll_2020.04.13


Can We Beat SARS-CoV-2? Lessons From Other Coronaviruses – When news broke that a novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 had emerged, scientists like myself were grimly aware of how difficult this novel coronavirus would be to control. For context, my research focuses on engineering bacteriophages for use as therapeutics, whereby bacterial viruses (phages) are used to infect and lyse bacteria as a replacement for traditional antibiotics. Read More…

A Huge Discovery in the World of VirusesGiant phages have been found in French lakes, baboons from Kenya, and the human mouth. – Your mouth is currently teeming with giant viruses that, until very recently, no one knew existed. Unlike Ebola or the new coronavirus that’s currently making headlines, these particular viruses don’t cause disease in humans. They’re part of a group known as phages, which infect and kill bacteria. But while many phages are well studied, these newly discovered giants are largely mysterious. Why are they 10 times bigger than other phages? How do they reproduce? And what are they up to inside our bodies? “They’re in our saliva, and in our gut,” says Jill Banfield of the University of California, Berkeley, who led the team that discovered the new phages. “Who knows what they’re doing?” Read More…

Animal Data Shows Fisetin to be a Surprisingly Effective Senolytic It is exciting to see animal data arrive for some of the potentially senolytic compounds that may turn out to destroy enough senescent cells in mammals to be worth using as first generation rejuvenation therapies. As a reminder, the accumulation of senescent cells is one of the causes of aging; countless cells become senescent every day in our bodies, but near all are destroyed. A tiny fraction linger to cause significant harm through the inflammatory signal molecules that they secrete. If these errant cells can be removed, then inflammatory diseases and numerous aspects of aging can be turned back to some degree. The results in mice stand head and shoulders above all of the other approaches to aging in terms of reliability and breadth of benefits…Of the 10 flavonoids tested, fisetin was the most potent senolytic. Acute or intermittent treatment of progeroid and old mice with fisetin reduced senescence markers in multiple tissues, consistent with a hit-and-run senolytic mechanism. Fisetin reduced senescence in a subset of cells in murine and human adipose tissue, demonstrating cell-type specificity. Administration of fisetin to wild-type mice late in life restored tissue homeostasis, reduced age-related pathology, and extended median and maximum lifespan. Read More…

Flavonoids: An Overview – Flavonoids, a group of natural substances with variable phenolic structures, are found in fruits, vegetables, grains, bark, roots, stems, flowers, tea and wine. These natural products are well known for their beneficial effects on health and efforts are being made to isolate the ingredients so called flavonoids. Flavonoids are now considered as an indispensable component in a variety of nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, medicinal and cosmetic applications. This is attributed to their anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic and anti-carcinogenic properties coupled with their capacity to modulate key cellular enzyme function. Read More…

Chemistry and Biological Activities of Flavonoids: An Overview – Flavonoids consist of a large group of polyphenolic compounds having a benzo-γ-pyrone structure and are ubiquitously present in plants. Flavonoids are hydroxylated phenolic substances and are known to be synthesized by plants in response to microbial infection. Many flavonoids are shown to have antioxidative activity, free radical scavenging capacity, coronary heart disease prevention, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer activities, while some flavonoids exhibit potential antiviral activities. In plant systems, flavonoids help in combating oxidative stress and act as growth regulators. Read More…

Fisetin is a senotherapeutic that extends health and lifespan The natural product fisetin has senotherapeutic activity in mice and in human tissues. Late life intervention was sufficient to yield a potent health benefit. These characteristics suggest the feasibility to translation to human clinical studies.


The Kynurenine Superhighway

Niacin in the Central Nervous System: An Update of Biological Aspects and Clinical Applications

What is the tryptophan kynurenine pathway and why is it important to neurotherapy?

The Kynurenine Pathway As a Novel Link between Allergy and the Gut Microbiome

Prior Days linkRoll_2020.03.29 – Tab Clearance…LoL

The niacin flush pathway in recovery from schizophrenia and how arginine and glutamine may provide added benefit

Role of Arginine and Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Wound Healing and Infection

Schizophrenia: An Update of the Selenium Deficiency Hypothesis

The Niacin Flush Pathway in Recovery from Schizophrenia and how Arginine and Glutamine may Provide Added Benefit

Selenium Deficiency and Clinical Findings in Schizophrenia

Association of Elements with Schizophrenia and Intervention of Selenium Supplements

Low blood selenium concentrations in schizophrenic patients on clozapine

Nutrition and Schizophrenia

Niacin in the Central Nervous System: An Update of Biological Aspects and Clinical Applications

Niacin use and cutaneous flushing: mechanisms and strategies for prevention

Nicotinic Acid Activates the Capsaicin Receptor TRPV1 – Potential Mechanism for Cutaneous Flushing

Seeing red: flushing out instigators of niacin-associated skin toxicity

Heating Up the Cutaneous Flushing Response

Mechanisms of Flushing Due to Niacin and Abolition of These Effects

The mechanism and mitigation of niacin-induced flushing



I really need to meditate on why I collect webpages. Why I abuse the tab function and the associated memory use just to allow these links to then grow into an insurmountable hurdle preventing me from…Am I overthinking this too much?

It’s probably just the caffeine…8)

Direct Link: A Task Force Against Local Inflammation and Cancer: Lymphocyte Trafficking to and Within the Skin|PDF|A Task Force Against Local Inflammation and Cancer: Lymphocyte Trafficking to and Within the Skin

Amebiasis (Entamoeba Histolytica Infection)

Peyer’s Patches: The Immune Sensors of the Intestine<–Sentinel’s?

The recycling endosome and bacterial pathogens

Antagonistic Pleiotropy

Antagonistic pleiotropy as a widespread mechanism for the maintenance of polymorphic disease alleles

Nucleic acids

The reserve-capacity hypothesis: evolutionary origins and modern implications of the trade-off between tumor-suppression and tissue-repair.

Flushing in (Neuro)endocrinology

The microbes we eat: abundance and taxonomy of microbes consumed in a day’s worth of meals for three diet types



Because I just can’t shut down all these tabs. But they are so distracting…LoL

99% of The Microbes in Our Own Bodies Are Still a Total Mystery to Science

The Human Microbiome: Our Second Genome

Shaping the Metabolism of Intestinal Bacteroides Population through Diet to Improve Human Health

How glycan metabolism shapes the human gut microbiota

New-found link between microbiota and obesity

What is the Healthy Gut Microbiota Composition? A Changing Ecosystem across Age, Environment, Diet, and Diseases

Understanding Microbe-Induced Cancers

Lymphatic Filariasis – Stanford-EDU

Study finds lymphocyte trafficking is controlled by the circadian clock

A Task Force Against Local Inflammation and Cancer: Lymphocyte Trafficking to and Within the Skin

Unusual variants of mycosis fungoides

Fiber-utilizing capacity varies in Prevotella– versus Bacteroides-dominated gut microbiota

Types of Microorganisms – Namely bacteria, archaea, fungi (yeasts and molds), algae, protozoa, and viruses.

The Science Behind Clostridium Difficile: How and Why Does it Grow Inside Us?

Modulation of the Gut Microbiota by Nutrients with Prebiotic and Probiotic Properties